Saturday, July 2, 2011

Thou Wilt Show Me the Path of Life...

 Psalm 16:11- “Thou wilt show me the path of life….”  Since being young and little, I have had this as my life verse. My mom prayed it over me when I was young because she knew I would struggle with this very thing, knowing the path for my life. Being a recently graduated senior form high school, I have really struggled with what to do with my life, what college to go to and if I could afford it. Just like any senior would. This next post isn’t to tell you what I have decided to do for the fall, or what I want to do with my life, But to encourage you with the fact that God will show you the path of your life if you do ask him and seek him. That’s what it is all about “seek and you will find.”
It was about 3 moths till the end of my senior year in high school. What I wanted to do was go right to a bible college and go for photography and bible. I wanted to peruse a ministry for the Lord and I didn’t want to wait around to start serving him. I then got a phone call from Baptist Bible College. They gave me an amazing deal to go there; they were going to split the cost in half and some more. I couldn’t turn that down; I was set that I was going to BBC in the fall. Well, God happens to have a different plan then we all do. A school in Florida was brought to my attention. A school by the name of Palm Beach Atlantic. This school was amazing. A ministry field right outside of the school, it had photography and it was a bible school next to an amazing church. My heart was pulled there. All I wanted to do was going there and give my life to the Lord in ministry. There was no way I could afford this school. It was 30 grand for one school year. Yikes. So, because I felt pulled down there so much, I prayed and prayed and seeked after God. I prayed that if he wanted me to go there then he would provide me with the money to go, provide me with a car and a place to stay. God did that very thing. You see, when you ask in all faith and that is what God wants, he will make that clear and possible for you. People, of whom I don’t know, gave me money for school. I was able to purchase a vehicle and laptop for school and I was offered a place to stay down there. That was a True blessing right there. God was answering my prayers and providing me with what I needed to go down there. I was headed to Florida this fall. I was scared, because I have never been from home before, but I had to put how this body felt aside and peruse Romans 12 and be a living sacrifice.
There was then a small intervention. My parents said no. How could after so much seeking and finding and him showing me, my parents say no? I still cannot answer that question. Someday I will look back and understand why he showed me and provided me with what he did and then ended it. The bible says to honor your father and mother, so that is what I did. I decided I needed to stay home. So, I got on my knees each night and prayed God would give me a good attitude toward staying home, I prayed he would give me opportunities for ministry here at home. AGAIN, without fail, he stayed true to his words and answered those prayers. Since staying home, I have gotten 2 jobs. At each I have my co-workers asking me about the Lord. They see a difference in me. Nothing I am doing, but the Lord, He is starting to crush this flesh and live through me. I have people I really don’t know that are asking to come to church with me. I got an apprenticing photography job under a Christian woman and I am going on a mission’s trip. God is still showing me the path of my life.
Are you confused with what God wants to do with you? It’s alright. Just
 Keep praying and seeking Him.
His word says, Ask and it will be given , SEEK AND YOU WILL FIND. God will show you what he wants you to do, only if you are willing to lay everything aside and listen to what he has to say.  Just remember, He will show you the path of life.  


  1. Sounds like God is really teaching you Sarah. I'm excited to see what he does with your life... And where he leads you. You are very wise to follow your parents guidance. You can be sure he won't use their counsel to lead you astray. They want to please Him and help you. Pretty great combo! :)
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Beautiful post. It is so refreshing to see a young woman like you listening to God...waiting on Him... and at the same time honoring your parents and heeding their advice.

    You will be blessed!
    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  3. I just couldn't visit your (EXCELLENT!) website and read your very personal and honest testimony without commenting. You are an inspiration, Sarah. From those days spent in Earth Science and watching you grow through your senior year, I have seen a mature young woman who has been gifted by God in very special ways. You have a bright future waiting for you and the WORLD will change because you are in it and allowing God to continue using you and your family.
    Keep strong - Keep smiling that smile - and keep seeking His will.
    - Mr. C

  4. Thanks so much for the comments everyone.
    Ya know, The Lord will never have my parents lead me astray, as long as they are seeking him, which they are. So I did what the bible said, Honored my mother and father. But really, I think its so cool How he stays true to Matthew 7 and will show you what you need to be shown as long as you ask. A lot of the time we do what James 1 says NOT to do. We ask without faith. Therefore, we are like a wave of the sea, just blown and tossed. So when we ask for Guidance we need to ask with faith he will gie it to us, and with an open heart to do what he says.
    Thanks again for the comments, and Mr. Cooper, So glad yo got to read it. :)
